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December, 2014


New Fitness and Health Facility to Open in Lewis Center in Fall 2015

In Lewis Center, Ohio, Mount Carmel Health System will be opening a 130,000 square-foot MC Fitness & Health Center that will offer the most current fitness equipment with an indoor track, exercise studios, and a pool/spa with a comprehensive aquatics program. In addition, MC Fitness & Health will have programs to promote a healthy lifestyle, including community space for meetings, a demonstration kitchen, and a healthy food café.  MC Fitness & Health will also have an urgent care center, primary care and specialty physician offices, a lab, comprehensive imaging services, physical therapy, cardiacRead More

New Drug May Benefit Columbus and Central Ohio Rosacea Patients

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Soolantra (ivermectin) Cream 1% for the treatment of rosacea, a condition that may include inflammatory lesions, bumps, pimples, and redness.  Rosacea is a common, but often misunderstood, skin disorder affecting 16 million Americans, particularly ages 30 and older. The cause of rosacea is unknown, but research suggests that there are multiple triggers.  Some triggers include the sun, alcohol, spicy food, and exercise.  Adam Hessel, M.D., a Board Certified Dermatologist at Buckeye Dermatology in Dublin Ohio, said, “Rosacea is a very common problem inRead More

Central Ohio Men May Improve Waistlines with Weight Training

A recent study, performed at the Harvard School of Public Health and published in Obesity, found weight training was more likely to reduce waist size than aerobic exercise. The investigators studied the physical activity, waist circumference, and weight of  healthy U.S. men aged 40 and over between 1996 and 2008. They compared  changes in participants’ activity levels over those years to determine which activities had the most effect on waistlines. Increasing weight training by 20 minutes per day had was associated with less gain in their waistline (-0.67 cm) compared with other men who increased the time spent onRead More

Columbus Ohio Sleep Disorder Specialist Reveals the Price We Pay for Not Sleeping

People of all ages suffer in various and unhealthy ways from sleep deprivation, according to a recent press release issued by Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC).  Dr. Aneesa Das, a sleep medicine specialist at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center, said, “For children, sleep deprivation can lead to behavior problems, trouble focusing and learning in school and it can affect their immune systems.”   When a child becomes a teenager, sleep becomes even more of an issue.  A teen’s internal body clock tells them to stay awake later and sleep later thanRead More