April, 2015
Daily Weighing May Help Central Ohio Waistlines

According to research recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, weighing yourself each day may help waistlines for anyone and for those in Columbus, Ohio. The authors of the study believe that this daily habit may motivate people to adopt other healthy weight control behaviors. The participants in the study used an e-scale, which sent the weights to the website for the study. The participants also received weekly emails with information on sticking with the daily weighing and how their weight loss was progressing as well as relevant lessons. Fifty-oneRead More
Foodborne Illness Scares Central Ohio

Recently, there have been a number of foodborne illness stories that impact the Columbus and Central Ohio areas. In particular, Botulism and Listeria have been making headlines in our area. Recently, Listeria was found in Sabra Brand Hummus and Blue Bell Brand Ice Cream. But the most recent finding of Listeria was in Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, which is very chilling since Central Ohio is home for Jeni’s and the customers who know her ice cream best. According to Jeni’s website, “We received the call that no ice cream maker, chef,Read More
Tomato Juice May Help Central Ohio Waistlines

Waistlines in the Columbus, Ohio area may shrink if more Central Ohioans drink daily tomato juice. Tomato Juice contains lycopene, which is a phytochemical and carotene believed to provide protection against metabolic diseases. According to a recent research study published in the journal Nutrition, tomato juice consumption resulted in less weight, body fat, waist size, body mass index, and cholesterol levels. In addition, there was also a decrease in inflammatory adipokines. 25 young females completed the study. Their ages ranged from 20 to 30-years-old. They had body mass indexes ≥ 20. They drank 280 mL (about 10 ounces) ofRead More