Columbus Medical News
Columbus and Central Ohio Hospital Systems Summary of Press Releases for End of December 2015

Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, Ohio Hospital Systems through December 31, 2015: Ohio State University Wexner’s Medical Center: “Nanobombs” Might Deliver Agents That Alter Gene Activity in Cancer Stem Cells Champion Intergenerational Center Brings New Approach to Community Health Drug Shows Potential as Safe and Effective for Most Prevalent Form of Adult Leukemia James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute Awarded LEED Green Building Certification Ohio State Grant to Help Improve Communication for Infants with Hearing Loss It’s Not So UnusualRead More
Columbus and Central Ohio Hospital Systems Summary of Press Releases for End of November 2015

Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, Ohio Hospital Systems through November 30, 2015: Ohio State University Wexner’s Medical Center: Study Rejects Biologic Age As Limiting Factor for Stem Cell Transplants Long-term Effects of Wireless Heart Failure Monitor Just Released Paskett Honored With AACR Distinguished Lecture on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities New Study Describes How Glucose Regulation Enables Malignant Tumor Growth HJF Joins ORIEN Research Partnership The James, Covelli Enterprises Announce Return of Annual Spielman Fund Walk/Run Pelotonia ’15 Brings Seven-YearRead More
Columbus and Central Ohio Hospital Systems Summary of Press Releases for End of October 2015

Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, Ohio Hospital Systems through October 31, 2015: Ohio State University Wexner’s Medical Center: Ohio State Joins National Clinical Research Network to Improve Healthcare Delivery Studies Suggest New Ways to Inhibit Oncogenes, Enhance Tumor-Suppressor Activity Ohio State Earns National Award for Excellence in Quality Patient Care Ohio State Offers Free Science-of-Cancer Course to Help Reduce the Global Burden of Cancer Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center Studying Focused Ultrasound To Treat Essential Tremor Ohio State Testing Benefits of EssentialRead More
Percentage Without Health Insurance In Central Ohio

The New York Times has published an interactive map that will give you the percentage of individuals without health insurance in 2015 for any county in the United states, and how these percentages have changed over the last two years. According to the New York Times map, the percentage of uninsured in the Central Ohio area as follows: Franklin County: 9% Delaware County: 4% Licking County: 8% Fairfield County: 7% Pickaway County: 9% Madison County: 8% Union County: 6% For other counties in Ohio and or any other state, checkRead More