Columbus Medical News
Columbus Ohio Hospitals Summary of News Releases for Middle of July 2015

Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, Ohio Hospital Systems through July 19, 2015: Ohio State University Wexner’s Medical Center: ‘Counselor in Your Pocket’ Smartphone App Helps Heroin Addicts with Recovery ‘ORIEN’ Precision Cancer Research Collaboration — Coanchored by Ohio State — Adds Three New Partners International Consortium Creates Guidelines for Mitral Valve Repair Trials MedTips: Awards and Announcements Pelotonia Funds Awarded by Ohio State Cancer Program to Seven Research Teams for Innovative Studies Mount Carmel Health System: Mount Carmel Doctor Prepares toRead More
Ticks Bring Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis, and Other Diseases into Ohio

According to the Ohio State Medical Association, Lyme disease has been on the rise in Ohio for the last 5 years. In a YouTube Statement issued by the Ohio State Medical Association, Dr. Scott Stienecker, an Infectious Disease Specialist and Epidemiologist, states, “In the past 4-5 years we have seen an increase in the number of patients with Lyme Disease acquired in Ohio increase from 33 up to 119 last year.” Dr. Steineker also states, “We are literally under attack” because ticks carrying Lyme Disease and Ehrlichiosis are moving inRead More
Was Ohio Ever Part of the Recent Niagara Water Recall?

There are news websites that listed Ohio on the list of states affected by the recent Niagara Water recall. However, Niagara’s website does not list Ohio. The Columbus Medical News team is reporting what we found out in regard to this matter. According to the Niagara Bottling Company”s Website, “…there was evidence of E. Coli bacteria at the spring source.” However, Niagara’s Website goes on to explain, “Niagara Bottling performs extensive testing on both incoming spring water as well as finished products. We have confirmed there have been no issues orRead More
Columbus Ohio Hospitals Summary of News Releases for End of June 2015

Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, Ohio hospital systems through June 30, 2015: Ohio State University Wexner’s Medical Center: $200K Gift Establishes Salvino Family & Accenture Brain Cancer Research Fund at Ohio State Ohio State Seeking 2K Families with Teenage Boys for Tobacco Usage Study Bioengineered Patch, Molecular “Booster” Could Improve Stem Cell Ability to Treat Heart Failure Girls at Higher Risk for Overuse Injuries in High School Sports Chitosan Coated Chemotherapy Packed Nanoparticles May Target Cancer Stem Cells MountRead More