Columbus and Central Ohio Hospital Systems Summary of Press Releases for End of December 2015

Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, Ohio Hospital Systems through December 31, 2015:
Ohio State University Wexner’s Medical Center:
“Nanobombs” Might Deliver Agents That Alter Gene Activity in Cancer Stem Cells
Champion Intergenerational Center Brings New Approach to Community Health
Drug Shows Potential as Safe and Effective for Most Prevalent Form of Adult Leukemia
James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute Awarded LEED Green Building Certification
Ohio State Grant to Help Improve Communication for Infants with Hearing Loss
It’s Not So Unusual For Pregnant Women To Have Kooky Cravings
Tumor DNA Testing Can Improve Lynch Syndrome Detection Rejects Age Limitations on Testing
MedTips: December Awards and Announcements
Mount Carmel Health System:
Mount Carmel Physician Named Ohio’s First Poet Laureate
Nationwide Children’s Hospital:
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Researcher, Mark Peeples, PhD, Elected as AAAS Fellow
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Reminds Parents to Stay Alert During the Holidays
Down Syndrome Research Gets a Boost With New Biobank Initiative
Antibiotics Alone Can Be a Safe, Effective Treatment for Children with Appendicitis
Ohio Department of Health Honors Employers For Healthy Practices
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Columbus and Central Ohio Hospital Systems Summary of Press Releases for End of December 2015
Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, OhioRead More

Columbus and Central Ohio Hospital Systems Summary of Press Releases for End of November 2015
Here is the summary of the press releases for the Central Ohio and Columbus, OhioRead More
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