Surgeons At The Ohio State University First To Implant Plastic Meniscus in Knee

According to a press release issued by the The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, surgeons at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center implanted a plastic device designed to treat knee pain from damaged cartilage of the knee meniscus. A knee meniscus once injured or torn has limited ability to heal on its own. This damage can lead to arthritis, which then may be need to be treated with knee replacement surgery. The NUsurface Meniscus Implant is being used in a clinical trial at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center and is being compared to the current standard-of-care following meniscus surgery. According to the press release, “The procedure begins with routine arthroscopic preparation of the meniscus, followed by implantation of the plastic meniscus through a small incision. Progressively, the implant will form a customized fit to the patient’s knee contour.” In a Youtube video posted by Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Christopher Kaeding, the orthopedic surgeon who is the first to perform this procedure, said ” “If this implant turns out to works as well as we think it will, it fills a gap in our treatment spectrum for patients who have injuries to their knee.” Patients with a torn, injured or damaged knee meniscus in the Central and Columbus Ohio area may be able to benefit from this procedure.
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